The client principal name and client host principal name should be in the KDC database. 客户机主体名和客户机主机主体名必须在KDC数据库中。
An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. IP地址用于两个主要功能:主机或网络接口标识和位置寻址。
Principal and non-principal contradictions Alternate host Any host other than the main ( most common) one. 主要矛盾与非主要矛盾转主寄主:非主要寄主的任何一个寄主。
It is recommended that whenever possible, the principal judge is selected from the host country. 如果可以的话,主要评审应由主办国家的人担任。
Then the principal host will rise, signaling that the banquet has ended. 之后设宴的领导会起立,预示宴会结束。
Active immunotherapy is a feasible and effective method in eliminating minimal resid-ual disease and prolonging disease-free survival time of leukemia patients after chemotherapy. The basic principal of active immunotherapy is to enhance host specific anti-tumor immune function after it has been stimulated with tumor antigen. 主动免疫治疗是消除微小残留病变及延长白血病患者化疗后无病生存期的可行而有效的途径,其基本原理是用肿瘤抗原激发机体产生特异性抗肿瘤免疫。
Chapter five in the empirical analysis. This chapter analyzes MNCS R& D investment through the principal component and regression analysis on the perspective of the host country. 第五章为实证分析,本部分以东道国为视角,通过主成分分析和回归分析,对跨国公司在华R&D投资进行了实证分析。
Nod factors, which are signalling molecules produced by Rhizobia, are the principal determinants of host specificity in Rhizobium – legume symbiosis. 在根瘤菌与宿主豆科植物形成的共生关系中,根瘤菌分泌的结瘤因子是宿主专一性的主要决定因子。